Tag Archives: hope

Good Bye.

Hello Flowers of the world,

Today will be yet another special post because it is something that is rather close to my heart. No, I’ll still be posting my art and other stuff in the future (Hah, like anyone’s reading them anyway… 😦 ). However, today, I’d to talk about something more personal. Oh and I might be over dramatic so I’m sorry if I pissed anyone off.

As some of you may know, I just had a promotional exam which will determine if I would be promoted or retained. Thankfully, I was promoted and yes, I was indeed happy. However, a good classmate of mine didn’t. I wouldn’t say that we were close or such but I guess somewhere deep inside my heart, he was someone a step closer than a friend.

Yes. Introducing my one-sided crush. *Clap Clap Clap*

Okay, I wouldn’t say it is love because I clearly know that what my heart feels only a GENTLE tug whenever he’s around me and how I like talking to him. No love or that sort. Just simply…. a puppy love. Yea, I think puppy love would be a more appropriate term to use.

I didn’t think I would actually like him since he was quite… small size. For a guy. BUT THEN AGAIN, we are talking about ME and I’ve concluded that I’ve a small thing for short boys (not necessarily shorter than me. Just against the standards of a usual man?). The reason why I’m only writing about this now was because I had just (like literally about 1/2 hour ago) realized my tiny feelings for him. Oh my, now I’m pretty embarrassed. *Shy Face*

At this point in time, I keep asking myself – what was it that made me attracted to him? Hmmm, well I guess he’s pretty cute, he’s got a terribly awesome sense in designing (urgh he makes us girls look terrible) and he’s a really good boy from what I know and see (totally creepy of me if I knew how he acted at home…). However, I guess his most remarkable, charming and attractive trait would be that strong sense of responsibility and discipline he has.

Yes. That was what made me turn my eyes to him. What made me see him as a true man (sorry A**** I used to think you looked pretty immature).

I like seeing him serious. I like how he aims for perfection. I like how he was clear of what he wanted. Now that my flowers, is VERY ATTRACTIVE. ♡( ᵕ̤ૢᴗᵕ̤ૢ )♡

I guess if I could turn back time, I would really want to get to know him better earlier (we only got slightly closer just 1 or 2 months ago) and maybe if possible, tag along when he goes out to take some shots. Yes, he’s a photographer! Hmm but I doubt that would never happen since my instagram stalking have made me realized that he’s always out with his friend taking photographs and seeing how zero photo sense I am, I’d just be a burden and third wheel. 😦 It’s a little sad. Hah, I bet he looks real attractive when he’s taking his photos

♡( ᵕ̤ૢᴗᵕ̤ૢ )♡

Well, seeing how we are not going to be in the same class or level next, I know there will no longer be a good duration of time for us to get along. Of course we’d still be in contact but overtime he’ll get along with his new friends 😦 Thus, my purpose of this blog is to say my last unofficial good bye. I can’t say it to him because I’m a wimpy little girl so I thought I’d share it with everyone BUT him (anyway no one I know have the slightest idea that this blog exists).

Thank You. For the good times. For making my heart race. For asking me for opinions. Most of all, for being my friend 🙂 I can now truly hope you will do well and get along with your future class. If you ever need anything, I’ll always be somewhere in the campus for you but I guess you’d rather run to C****** for help haha.

Good Bye my one-sided crush.